The Bombay High Court, also known as the Bombay Uchcha Nyayalaya is one among the oldest courts in India today. The court is located in Mumbai and has jurisdiction over Maharashtra and Goa. Union territories like Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu also come under its jurisdiction. It is one of the most respected courts in the country too as 22 of its judges are elevated to the Supreme Court. 8 of them went on to become the chief justice of the country. If you have a case pending in the Bombay High Court, you can easily check its status by following the process mentioned below.
Procedure to Check Case Status of Bombay High Court:
- Visit the official website of Bombay High Court. You can follow the link to visit there
- You can click in the Case Status tab in the homepage.
- You will get different options using which you can check the status of your case like case number wise, advocate name wise, Party wise, and CIN number.
- The direct links of the pages are given below.
Direct Links:
- Case Number Wise:
- Advocate Name Wise:
- Party Wise:
- CIN Number: